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Annie's Project: Empowering Women in Agriculture

  • Locations will vary. (map)

We are partnering with Summit County to offer Annie’s Project from Feb. 21st to March 28th, 2019.  Annie’s project is a six-week program designed to address risk management education for farm women. Its objective is to educate women entrepreneurs so that they are more prepared to make farm management decisions. While a large number of farm women own and operate farms, others play a major role in the decision-making process of farm operations for farm families. Annie’s Project provides in-depth sessions on topics that are important for decision-making of the family farm. The program topics covered include human resources, legal risks, financial risks, marketing risks, and production costs and risks.  Click for registration flyer or brochure. 

Dates: Six Thursday evenings (6-9 pm) from February 21st to March 28th at various locations in Portage & Summit Counties.

To register or more information about this program please email Robin: [email protected]


Earlier Event: February 13
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